Dear Students:
Welcome to Math 7 at San Gorgonio Middle School. My goal as your teacher is to
guide you in exploring real-world applications in Math.
I am looking forward to an exciting and rewarding year together!
Mr. Aguirre
Math Teacher
Course Description
This course will help students explore several mathematical concepts.
Topics include:
- Proportional Relationships
- Number Sense
- Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
- Probability and Statistics
- Geometry
note: This course builds
on previous math courses grades k - 6
and thus is designed for students who have
experience with mathematical concepts in those grades.
This course will be taught using multiple online resources
(i.e. KhanAcademy, Tenmarks, Google Classroom etc...).
Grading Policy
Students' grades are based on mastery of 7th grade concepts covered in class.
Grading Scale:
- E - exceeds standards
- M - met standards
- N - nearly met standards
- U - standards unmet
Recommended Supplies
Students are recommended to have the following supplies in class daily:
- Journal
- Writing Utensils
Student Tardy Policy
If a student is not in his/her seat when the bell rings, he/she is TARDY.
Absences and Make ups
Students have the opportunity to make up missed work due to an absence. However, a student is advised to come in before/after school to receive missing assignments.
Classroom Rules
In order to maintain a safe, productive, and calm classroom environment it is essential that each student follow the school safety rules and the classroom rules which are as follows:
- Be in class on time and ready to learn.
- Listen to and follow directions the first time they are given.
- Respect others and their property.
- Always use appropriate and non-offensive language and voice tone.
Students who are unable to follow these rules are subject to administrative consequences.
Note: Parents, as confirmation that you've read and agree with everything posted in this syllabus, please e-mail Mr. Aguirre at:
Provide the following information in the e-mail:
Subject: Parent of "Student's Name" in Math 7
E-mail message:
- Parent(s) Name
- Student(s) Name
- Phone Number
- E-mail
Is there anything you would like me to know about your child?
Feel free to contact me through the e-mail listed above with questions and concerns about student progress.